演讲摘要:Artificial intelligence technologies are being actively deployed in a broad spectrum of fields, including logistics and financial services, medical care and nursing, manufacturing, education, and scientific research, to name only a few. These technologies also play a critical role in efficient and effective operation of social systems such as controlling flows of people, things, and energy. The Artificial Intelligence Research Center (AIRC), which was established in 2011 under the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry in japan, strives to serve as one of core research bases in Japan, with a focus on the artificial intelligence technologies that have become fundamental technologies in today’s society. Through a systematic approach, we conduct integrated research and development that embraces the entire spectrum from basic research to application, and emphasize the importance of deploying AI technologies in society. My talk will introduce the general research directions and a few on-going researches at the AIRC.I also talk about our plan of Global Research Hub of AI as well as the GPU-cluster machine which has started its service since August last year. 人工智能技术正快速应用到广泛的领域,包括物流和金融服务、医疗护理、制造、教育和科学研究,这里仅列出一些而已。这些技术还对社会体系的有效运转起着至关重要的作用,如控制人、物和能源的流动。 日本人工智能研究中心(AIRC)成立于2011年,隶属于日本经济产业省,致力于成为日本的核心研究机构之一,专注于人工智能技术,这项技术在当今社会已成为最重要的技术。 通过系统的方法,我们进行综合研究和开发,涵盖从基础研究到应用的整个范围,并强调在社会中部署人工智能技术的重要性。 我的演讲将介绍AIRC的总体研究方向和一些正在进行的研究项目。我还将讨论我们的人工智能全球研究中心计划以及去年8月上线的GPU集群机。
讲者介绍:CV of Junichi Tsujii 辻井潤一教授简历 Professor Junichi Tsujii is the director of the AIRC (Artificial Intelligence Research Center) at the AIST (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology), which was established in 2015 under the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan. The AIRC aspires to be one of hub centers on AI research in Japan and in the world, and currently has 600 staff. After graduation of Kyoto University and being awarded Ph. D, he became Associate Professor at Kyoto University in 1979, Professor at Manchester University in 1988, Professor at the University of Tokyo in 1995, and Principal Researcher at Microsoft Research Asia (Beijing) in 2011 before taking on his current position as Director of AIRC in 2015. He is an AIST fellow as well as professor of School of Computer Science, Manchester University in UK. He was President of ACL (Association for Computational Linguistics) in 2006, of IAMT (International Association for Machine Translation) in 2003-2005, and of AFNLP (Asian Federation of Natl. Language Processing Associations) in 2007-2008. He is Chair of ICCL (the International Committee on Computational Linguistics) and an ACL fellow. He has been also involved in many international conferences such as EMNLP 2018 (PC co-chair), EMNLP (General chair), Coling 2014 (PC co-chair), ACL 2003 (General chair), etc. 辻井教授是日本国家产业技术综合研究所(AIST)人工智能研究中心(AIRC)的主任,AIST是2015年成立,由日本经济产业省管辖。AIRC希望成为日本和世界人工智能研究中心之一,目前拥有600名员工。辻井教授日本京都大学毕业并获得博士学位后,1979年在京都大学任副教授,1988年在曼彻斯特大学任教授,1995年在东京大学任教授,2011年在微软亚洲研究院(北京)任首席研究员,2015年至今担任日本人工智能研究中心主任。他是日本国家产业技术综合研究所研究员,同时也是英国曼彻斯特大学计算机科学学院教授。 2006年,他担任计算语言学协会(ACL)主席,2003-2005年担任国际机器翻译学会(IAMT)主席,2007-2008年担任亚洲自然语言处理联合会(AFNLP)主席。他是国际计算语言学委员会(ICCL)的主席,和ACL会士。他还参加过许多国际会议,如EMNLP 2018自然语言处理实证方法会议(PC联席主席)、EMNLP(总主席)、Coling 2014计算语言学国际会议(PC联席主席)、ACL2003(总主席)等。 Major Awards: 1988: Japan IBM Science Prize. 2005: IBM Faculty Award 2010: The Medals of Honor with Purple Ribbon by Japanese government 2014: Funai Achievement Award at the Forum on Information Technology (FIT) 2015: The Okawa Prize 2017: IAMT(International Association for Machine Translation) Award of Honor 主要获奖情况: 1988年:日本IBM科学奖。 2005年:IBM杰出学者奖 2010年:日本政府颁发的紫丝带荣誉勋章 2014年:信息技术论坛FUNAI成就奖 2015年:大川奖 2017年:国际机器翻译学会(IAMT)荣誉奖