演讲摘要:There has been a growing trend for the resolution of social issues across the world, including the UN SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals). In Japan, Society 5.0 has proposed and been promoted, as a future society that Japan should aspire to. Currently, the Covid-19 pandemic has precipitated an unprecedented global crisis. We need to design a post COVID-19 (New Normal) society. The key is proper use of digital/information technologies. Digital technologies will bring about a paradigm shift that will significantly change our way of thinking and permeate all areas of life and society. From creating a “New Normal” society perspective, sustainability of the earth become increasingly important. Digital /Information technologies ensures safety and sustainability together with rebooting economics. From the “human” perspective, digital will enable each individual—regardless of gender, age, race, or physical disability—to demonstrate their diverse capabilities and be given the opportunities to use those capabilities. This talk introduce some use cases in Japan for creating new values for society. Role of technologies and human will be discussed. As the president of Information Processing Society of Japan, I would also like to touch upon the role of academic society for social innovations.
讲者介绍:1982Joined NEC Corporation 1987-88Researcher at Bellcore, USA 2007Vice President and Executive General Manager of Intellectual Asset Mgt. Unit 2010Senior Vice President of NEC Corporation, Executive general manager of the Central Research Laboratories 2016Executive Vice President, CTO and Member of the Board 2019NEC Fellow Major present roles outside the company President of Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ) Vice Chair of The Innovation and Technology Committee of Business at OECD (BIAC) Member of the High-level Advisory Group on Digital Technology for Development at the Asian Development Bank (ADB) Chairman of the “Planning Subcommittee of the Innovation Committee” at the Japan Business Federation (Keidanren) Member of the Information and Communications Council, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC)