演讲摘要:滴滴出行是领先的一站式移动出行平台;为5.5亿用户提供出租车、快车、专车、豪华车、公交、代驾、企业级、共享单车、共享电单车、租车、外卖等多元化的出行和运输服务,以及加油、充电、维保等汽车服务。张博将会分享滴滴AI for Transportation科技战略,通过技术创新和开放合作让未来出行更加安全高效,并助力城市更智能可持续发展。
讲者介绍:张博现任滴滴出行集团首席技术官。滴滴出行是领先的一站式移动出行平台,服务5.5亿用户和超过3100万车主及司机。 张博主要从事人机交互、人工智能等方向研究,从零开始搭建滴滴的产品、技术及大数据体系,主导了滴滴从出租车出行服务到涵盖出租车、快车、专车、豪华车、公交、代驾、企业级、共享单车、共享电单车、共享汽车、外卖等多元化的出行和运输服务平台的产品演进,率领技术团队在智慧交通、机器学习、数据挖掘和大数据等领域,取得了多项业界领先的技术成果。曾主持国家发改委重大工程项目“基于滴滴大脑的城市智慧交通协同管理与共享出行示范项目”,参与了发改委“大数据分析与应用技术国家工程实验室”项目,以及北京市发改委“基于机器学习的智慧城市交通管理技术与服务北京市工程实验室” 项目。 张博于2005年获得武汉大学软件学院学士学位,于2008年获得中国科学院软件研究所硕士学位。 Bob ZHANG Co-founder, Chief Technology Officer, Didi Chuxing Didi Chuxing is the world’s leading mobile transportation platform. Mr. Zhang leads the creation and continuous development of DiDi’s overall product, technology and big-data analytical framework, and oversees the company’s evolution from a taxi-hailing app into an app-based transportation platform providing Taxi, Express, Premier, Luxe, Bus, Designated Driving, Enterprise Solutions, Bike-Sharing, E-bike Sharing, Car Sharing and food delivery services, serving over 550 million riders and 31 million drivers. Previously, Mr. Zhang was a senior technology leader at Baidu responsible for the creation of over 10 software applications with over 100 million users each. Mr. Zhang obtained his B.S. in software engineering from Wuhan University in 2005 and his M.S. from the Chinese National Academy of Sciences in 2008, with a research focusing on human-machine interaction and artificial intelligence.