演讲摘要:Sensing is one of the core function of IoTs to bridge digital space and physical world. The IoT ecosystem consists of three parties: Internet-of-Thing systems, physical world and adversaries. We believe that a well-functioning IoT system should satisfy three basic requirements. Firstly, system should be able to properly and conveniently interact with and intelligently sense the physical world. Secondly, devices should be able to identify other authenticated peers to enable device cooperation. Thirdly, IoT system should be robust against spoo?ng from adversaries. In this talk, I would like to share some of our recent efforts in HKUST on intelligent and secure sensing by examining the above requirements. 感知是物理网的一个核心功能之一,能有效实现数字空间和物理世界的串接。物联网生态由三方组成:物联网系统、物理世界和可能的攻击者。我们认为,一个运行良好的物联网系统应该满足三个基本要求。首先,系统应该能够正确、便捷地与物理世界进行交互和智能感知。其次,设备应该能够识别其他经过身份验证的设备,以安全便捷地实现设备合作。第三,物联网系统应具有强大的功能,可抵御来自攻击者的欺骗。 在本次讲座中,我想通过检查上述要求来分享香港科大团队最近在智能和安全物联网传感方面所做的一些努力。 Bio: Dr. Zhang joined Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) in Sept. 2005 where she is now Tencent Professor of Engineering and Chair Professor of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering. She is also serving as the co-director of Huawei-HKUST innovation lab and the director of digital life research center of HKUST. Before that, she was in Microsoft Research Asia, Beijing, from July 1999, where she was the research manager of the Wireless and Networking Group. Dr. Zhang has published more than 400 refereed papers in international leading journals and key conferences. She is the inventor of more than 50 granted and 20 pending International patents. Her current research interests include Internet of Things (IoT), smart health, mobile computing and sensing, wireless networking, as well as cyber security. She is a Fellow of IEEE. Dr. Zhang has received MIT TR100 (MIT Technology Review) world’s top young innovator awa
讲者介绍:张博士于2005年9月加入香港科技大学(HKUST),现任腾讯工程学教授及计算机科学及工程系讲座教授。她还担任华为-港科大创新实验室联席主任和科大数字生活研究中心主任。在此之前,她从1999年7月开始在北京微软亚洲研究院工作,担任无线网络组的研究经理。张博士在国际领先期刊和重要会议上发表了400多篇论文。她是50多项国际专利的发明者。她目前的研究兴趣包括物联网(IoT)、智能健康、移动计算和传感、无线网络以及网络安全。 张博士是IEEE Fellow。她获得MIT TR100世界青年创新者奖。她还荣获 2004 年 IEEE通信协会颁发的最佳亚太青年研究员奖。张博士还获得了2005年IEEE通信协会多媒体技术委员会最佳论文奖,2006年QShine、2007年IEEE Globecom、2008年IEEE ICDCS、2010年IEEE ICC、2012年IEEE Globecom和2019年IEEE ICC最佳论文奖。2006年,她获得中国国家自然科学基金委(NSFC)颁发的海外杰出青年奖。她还担任华中科技大学长江讲座教授(2012-2015年)。 张博士现在担任IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing(TMC)顶级期刊的主编(editor-in-chief)。她还是是 IEEE Infocom指导委员会的成员。 张博士于1994年、1996年和1999年分别获得武汉大学的学士、硕士和博士学位,全部为计算机科学方向。