
报告题目:Enhancing Computer Security with Hardware-Level Malware Detection
演讲摘要:In the past decades, computer design has prioritized performance, cost reduction, and energy efficiency over security. Meanwhile, malicious attacks have surged with the ever-increasing number of Internet-connected devices. Traditional antivirus software struggles to combat these attacks, particularly those exploiting hardware vulnerabilities. We introduce an additional layer of malware detection at the hardware level, monitoring semantic and sub-semantic behaviors to enhance system security. We present a real-time malware detection system monitoring microarchitectural features to detect anomalies indicative of attacks like Rowhammer and Spectre. Our experiments demonstrate scalability and promising detection accuracy. Future research aims to extend detection to GPU and other hardware vulnerabilities, emphasizing proactive, multi-layered defense mechanisms to counter evolving malware threats.
讲者简介:Jean-Luc Gaudiot是加州大学欧文分校电气工程和计算机科学杰出教授,曾担任该校系主任六年。此前,他是南加州大学的教授。1982年,他获得了加州大学洛杉矶分校计算机科学博士学位。他是IEEE和AAAS会士,IFIP银级核心成员,Eta Kappa Nu的专业成员。他是2017年IEEE计算机学会主席、多家期刊的主编和编委会成员,也是许多会议的领导者。他一直是技术预测的主要参与者(预测2024年和2023年国际器件和系统路线图)。他在多处理器架构、自动驾驶系统设计、硬件安全等方面做出了许多贡献,相关成果已发表在300多篇文章和书籍中。他的研究得到了美国国家科学基金会、美国国防部、美国国防高级研究计划局以及工业组织的赞助。