报告题目:Microarchitecture Research: Making Meaningful Contributions
演讲摘要:After almost 60 years in the trenches performing microarchitecture research, I have some thoughts about the task. Most importantly, understand the hardware details that the microarchitecture is built on, and the details of the resulting microarchitecture. When it comes to bottom-up vs top-down, don't be a naive top-up. If you come up with a feature you would like to add to the underpinnings, choose the microarchitecture, not the ISA. If the feature turns out to be a bad idea and you put it in the ISA, you will have to suffer from it for a very long time. Recognize the value of heterogeneity and embrace it enthusiastically. Take to heart, the MIT white paper that there is plenty of room at the top and my response that there is still plenty of room at the bottom. Finally, always be willing to celebrate the good efforts of others; you are not the only smart person in the room. I will try to expand on many of the points mentioned above.
讲者简介:耶鲁·帕特教授(Professor Yale Patt)是德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校(The University of Texas at Austin)的讲席教授,帕特教授在计算机体系结构领域做出了卓越的贡献,尤其是在计算机并发执行和分支预测方面取得了突破性成果,这些成果至今仍应用于高性能CPU中。凭借这些成就,帕特教授获得了计算机体系结构领域的最高荣誉——1996年IEEE / ACM Eckert-Mauchly奖。此外,帕特教授还在2016年获得了计算机和认知科学领域的本杰明·富兰克林奖章。帕特教授因其在体系结构方面的杰出贡献,被选为美国工程院院士。除了在学术研究方面的成就,帕特教授还非常重视教学。帕特教授获得了计算机科学教育领域的最高荣誉——2000年ACM Karl V. Karlstrom杰出教育家奖,以及其他一系列教学荣誉奖。